Welcome Back 2021-2022

Welcome Back 2021-2022

Blog Landing chevron_right Welcome Back 2021-2022 chevron_right

LCS staff have been working hard over the last five days to get our school ready to welcome everyone on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

Monday, September 6 (HOLIDAY – NOT IN SESSION)

Tuesday, September 7

  • ELEMENTARY: 8:30am-12:00pm All K-5 students welcome)
  • MIDDLE: 8:30am-12:00pm New grade 7-8 students only & all grade 6s. Lunch served.
  • HIGH SCHOOL: 8:30am-12:00pm New grade 10-12, & all grade 9s. Lunch served.
  • BUS: Drop-off at regular time (8:16am); no bus pick-up available after school

Our first day on Tuesday is designed to welcome students in grades 6-12 who are new to their campus. All K-5 students attend a half day on the first day only. Everyone else will attend full days for the rest of the week.

Wednesday, September 8 – Friday, September 10

Class Lists Now Posted

Parents and caregivers are reminded that class lists have been built with the best interests of all students’ learning and well-being taken into consideration. Principals only consider requests for placements (in May-June) based on social-emotional or educational reasons. Requests for placements must be received in writing by the campus principal. The high school has communicated information for student course changes if required.

2021-2022 Calendar Changes

2021-2022 Calendar Link: Please note that we have added September 30 as a holiday for 2021 to align with the new federal statutory holiday to recognize Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. The week of September 27-October 1 will be focused on Indigenous Learning across all campuses.

Other Start-Up Information (Link to Information Page)

If you missed our Covid-19 updates and planning information you can find it here. In that update we shared our Mask Exemption Form that all students requiring an exemption must fill out prior to attending school next week.

We want to welcome all our new staff, students and families for 2021-2022. We are excited for you and for the impact you will have in your new school. We also want to welcome new board directors, Tim Bontkes, Tamara Vandenbrink and Sarah Friesen. There is are of good things happening at LCS as we head into the fall, including the initial stages of designing an expansion of the elementary school. Some of this work was shared in our summer update post.

Our high school administrative team has shared some exciting new structures to build a vibrant student culture this year. Lightning Athletics programming is expected to launch again next week, beginning with volleyball tryouts. Check the Athletics page for more information, including the calendar. You can order your PHE apparel at our online store.

Golf Event Fundraiser

Our golf tournament is planned for September 21. We are now looking for volunteers for the morning and in the evening. If you’re interested, please let us know. We’d love to have you join us: development@langleychristian.com. The tournament will help us raise money for our Innovation and Impact Fund to provide tuition assistance and direct resources into the hands of students and teachers to help ensure our children have access to an engaging K-12 education.

In the coming months we will be sharing more detail about how we are acting on our strategic plan for LCS.


… act justly…

…love mercy…

…walk humbly with your God…

MICAH 6: 8

The Message translation clarifies that there are important considerations for teaching and learning: “He’s already made it plain how to live, what God is looking for in men and women” (v.8a). As our great teacher, the Lord is inviting us to reflect on how we engage with one another. Further, v.8b characterizes what this invitation is comprised of, “It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself too seriously- take God seriously.” The Book of Micah talks about how the people of Israel ought to steward the resources that God has given to them. The prophet Micah is trying to expose the practices that lead to injustices in communities. However, Micah’s message is also one of hope and restoration. 

At the end of the book of Micah, the prophet dwells on God’s character, “Who is a God like you, who forgives sin and pardons rebellion?” (7:8) and his promises, “You will stay true to Jacob and show covenant love to Abraham, as you promised long ago” (7:20). This echoes God’s covenant promises to Abraham (Genesis 12, 15, 17) that his people will be a blessing to all people, but to become a blessing, God’s people must be faithful. God’s purposes are to show compassion and to redeem. This is an invitation for us to participate in his restoration. Our theme passage is a call to grow in empathy. A call to compassion. A call for reconciliation. And a call to understand the diverse perspectives and faithful expressions of Christ-following here in our community.

So, how then shall we use our educational time, treasure, and talents this year? In what ways can our learning help us to know how to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly together with our God? And what does that mean for how we will teach our children to participate in God’s reconciliation and restoration of the world?

This year, as we look at our school theme from Micah 6:8 and these three respective movements of seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly, and as we begin to unpack our newly developed LCS Learner DNA, we would also invite you to also explore the spiritual DNA of God’s family from Matthew 5:1-12: poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted because of righteousness. Let’s get to know these groups as a community and God will start to encourage a heart of grace, love, mercy, humility, and participation in his reconciliatory work.  


Please join us – where ever you can – and take a few minutes to pray for the school on Tuesday. Pray for strength, unity and endurance to live our vision and mission as a school community.

Enjoy the long weekend. We can’t wait to see you!