COVID-19 Continuity of Learning Update

COVID-19 Continuity of Learning Update

Blog Landing chevron_right COVID-19 Continuity of Learning Update chevron_right

Despite the panic and anxiety that surrounds us today, the direction and guidance provided by our partnerships in public health and the K-12 sector have been calm, measured and confident that the coming weeks can be managed safely without significant disruption to student learning. One silver lining in the COVID-19 pandemic has been the cooperation and collaboration between schools and stakeholders in the entire K-12 system. 

LCS will continue to support public health measures and work collaboratively with all our partners to protect the vulnerable in our community. As an organization charged with the responsibility of educating and helping develop healthy youth, we will prioritize measures that are minimally invasive to learning and connection, and work hard to ensure our schools remain open for students and families who are able to attend.

We remind everyone that LCS has maintained the infrastructure, tools and technology to teach online or remotely since the fall of 2020. We have also effectively managed 4 health closures of elementary classrooms and self-initiated a functional closure of our high school when absences outstripped our staff capacity to teach in-person early in 2021. We believe the enhanced precautionary measures listed in this document, in addition to the great efforts we made after November 2 to improve our health and safety practices, are reasonable and sustainable given the current capacity and limitations of our staff.

As we enter the new year, our renewed energies will be faithfully directed toward persevering against the tide of fear and working hard on behalf of our community so that schools remain open for the life-giving opportunities and essential services they provide to hundreds of families striving to create thriving futures for their loved ones. Thank you in advance for your support and trust as we navigate this next wave of challenges.