In this latest instalment, Berkley Glazer (Middle School Principal), Dave McVety (Middle/High Counsellor), Lauren Ens (Middle/High Youth Care Worker), and Kevin Mirchandani (K-12 Director of Instruction and Christian Foundations) explore some of their recent learning from their Friday, Nov. 5 PLC session. They unpack what it means as a Christian school to approach this conversation from an educational perspective that first seeks to humbly listen, learn, and understand, and from one that establishes a high duty of care for all students.
Dave McVety and Lauren Ens walk through an example of how the emotion coaching model can be used to help guide teachers to grow in their empathy and understanding.
With consideration to how the emotion coaching model might be applied for whole group instruction, they bring forward how we might correct students and provide guidance in how we maintain our integrity to personal beliefs, while also having a high view of truth, love, and grace.