exploring the middle years
In addition to teaching the province’s revised 6-8 curriculum, the middle years program at LCS encourages students to engage in a wide range of exploratory learning opportunities.
These opportunities emphasize essential hands-on learning in STEAM areas (sciences, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) and are designed to help develop passions students can continue pursuing in their high school electives.
Outdoor Education
- Camp Kawkawa grade 6 camping trip (every fall)
- SALTS grade 8 sailing trip off Vancouver Island (every spring)
Curricular Distinctives
- STEAM opportunities exploration
- Multidisciplinary units integrating faith into learning
- Enriched mathematics
- Inclusive and differentiated practices
Music & Fine Arts Education
- Music and band
- Visual arts
Athletics & Recreation
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Track & Field
- Cross-Country
- Soccer
- Intramurals
STEAM Opportunities Exploration
- Aviation
- Robotics
- Etc
Empowering and nurturing children