Thriving Communities See Conflict as an Opportunity To Grow

Thriving Communities See Conflict as an Opportunity To Grow

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So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.


You should be encouraged to know that LCS has sound, Biblical practices in place to proactively engage conflict in a healthy way. There are a number of Board policies that outline how our community approaches conflict. Conflict is inevitable in any family or community as diverse as ours. But, we should all be curious about conflict, see it as an opportunity to grow, and address it in such a way that it does not fester and instead improves the relationships necessary to provide an outstanding school for our children.

Our policies require that from time to time, we train members of our faculty in the skills necessary for navigating and resolving conflict.

In November, the LCS faculty engaged in WAYFINDER training as part of our commitment to be an “engaged and faithful community” and ensure that we are intentionally training one another in the communication skills and Biblical foundations necessary to address conflict when it occurs.

WayFinder training was an opportunity for our team to have deep and meaningful conversations, get to know one another’s uniqueness, and practice self-reflection. We all left training that day feeling more connected and equipped as a team.

Harmony Wilson, LCS Early Learning ManageR

WAYFINDER: Five Practices of Christian Conflict Transformation

A white ear in a blue circle

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What impacted me the most was the fact that there is a willingness to learn how to deal with conflict in a way that reflects the character of Christ more fully. It was encouraging to work through the different methods of sharing and being heard, all in a safe space which respected what each individual had to say and gave hope that it would be taken into consideration in the future.

Hayden MacKinnon, Middle School

WayFinder is a leadership training framework for Christian communities focused on learning about five practices in conflict transformation. These five practices support the listening, connecting, questioning, understanding, and reconciling of relationships and help us grow as a Christian community. WayFinder finds its inspiration in Colossians 3:12-17 which encourages us to reflect on how conflict is a part of our formation and becoming like Christ. 

Our WayFinder day of learning was a wonderful opportunity to engage with colleagues. The learning helped me to meaningfully reflect that we are called to walk with God, our fellow employees, and our school community, even in times of conflict.

Tim Van Hemert, Elementary School ADST Teacher).

Non-instructional days and PLC Fridays have been invested in training one another in positive conflict resolution and communication. These are skills we all benefit from and move us closer to the thriving community God has called us to be.

If working in a school with a commitment to creating a life-giving environment is important to you, we would love to connect and discuss possible upcoming opportunities. Send us a note to